Tag Archives: powershell

Windows: Permit a limited user to run a schedule task defined by an Administrator


This post is developed by the trial and error principle πŸ˜‰ . Here you can find some background.

On Windows a User with just “normal” user rights cannot see and execute Tasks created from User with Administrator permissions. There are dozed of sites that describes that the permissions of an task can be changed by setting the filesystems rights in C:\Windows\System32\Tasks. But this won’t work since some early Versions of Windows 10 (IMHO 1607).
Continue reading Windows: Permit a limited user to run a schedule task defined by an Administrator

Powershell: Import a module from a file


you just want to test a module and don’t want to install or copy it to the Powershell Modules directories? It’s possible πŸ™‚

For example the SpeculationControl module to query the speculation control (Spectre/Meltdown vulnerability) settings of your system.
Continue reading Powershell: Import a module from a file

Powershell: A Local script is not executed with error not digitally signed


Issue: You downloaded or copied a script from a remote location and Powershell won’t execute such a file although you have set the execution policy to RemoteSigned.

An Error like this occurs:

D:\Temp\myScript.ps1 : File D:\Temp\myScript.ps1 cannot
be loaded. The file D:\Temp\myScript.ps1 is not digitally signed. The script
will not execute on the system.

Continue reading Powershell: A Local script is not executed with error not digitally signed

Powershell: Escape a String for regular expression.


when a pattern for a regular expression contains reserved characters it can be difficult to quote all these signs correctly.

Continue reading Powershell: Escape a String for regular expression.

Windows 10: Determine history of feature upgrades


this powershell script determines the previous Windows 10 ReleaseIDs and install date of all feature updates applied to a system.
Continue reading Windows 10: Determine history of feature upgrades