Tag Archives: register

Windows: Only register primary IP Address in DNS


if you want to change the IP Address (new Address is in the same subnet) a of Windows Server by a minimal downtime for the users?

In pure Active Directory domains this is not a problem because the server itself updates its A Record at the DNS server and the Active Directory replicates the entry immediately.
In large environments with a heterogeneous DNS structure the TTL of the DNS entry respectively of the DNS zone becomes very important, because the entry is cached for this time by the requesting server, so the time when the new DNS A record reachesĀ  each DNS Server can take some time.
Continue reading Windows: Only register primary IP Address in DNS

Windows: Powershell script to fix and repair WMI


this script repairs and recreates the WMI Repository of a Windows. For example, this occurs sometimes if you clone a Windows machine with an installed SCCM/SMS Client. The typical error in this case is “Failed to open to WMI namespace ‘\\.\root\CCM\SoftwareUpdates\DeploymentAgent’ (8007045b)”

Lasts start. Start a Powershell console as Administrator. Stop all services. Sometimes other services depends on the WMI Service and does not accept a stop request. Therefore you cannot stop the WMI service. TrendMicro Office is such a service. You have to kill them by TaskManager.

# Stop WMI
# Only if SCCM/SMS Client is installed. Stop ccmexec.
Stop-Service -Force ccmexec -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Stop-Service -Force winmgmt

(Re)Register WMI binary components

foreach ($sWMIPath in @(($ENV:SystemRoot+"\System32\wbem"),($ENV:SystemRoot+"\SysWOW64\wbem"))){
	if(Test-Path -Path $sWMIPath){
		push-Location $sWMIPath
		foreach($sBin in $aWMIBinaries){
			if(Test-Path -Path $sBin){
				$oCurrentBin=Get-Item -Path  $sBin
				Write-Host " Register $sBin"
				& $oCurrentBin.FullName /RegServer
				# Warning only for System32
				if($sWMIPath -eq $ENV:SystemRoot+"\System32\wbem"){
					Write-Warning "File $sBin not found!"

Reregister WMI Managed Objects
Continue reading Windows: Powershell script to fix and repair WMI