Tag Archives: virtual

Windows: Add a virtual interface for each 802.1q tagged vlan


let use assume you have a network adapter with multiple tagged 802.1q vlans on it. Previously, Intel published the Advanced network services. In the past this could be used to create a virtual network adapter for each VLAN id. Unfortunatly the tool is deprected.

Continue reading Windows: Add a virtual interface for each 802.1q tagged vlan

VirtualBox: Changing the UUID of a VDI virtual disk File


sometimes you simply want to copy a vdi file and attach it to another virtual machine.

This will fail because in a VirtualBox Installation each vdi Harddisk must have an unique UUID. This command line changes the UUID of a VDI file.
Continue reading VirtualBox: Changing the UUID of a VDI virtual disk File

Apache: Alias directive for virtual directory returns HTTP Error 403


I have added a virtual directory to an apache web server and the virtual directory is located outside the document root. I configured the httpd.conf how it is decripted in the apache doc

When I access the virtual directory an error “Access forbidden! Error 403” occured. The config seems to ok:

Alias /virtualdirectory/ "D:/user/www/virtual/"
<Directory "D:/user/www/virtual/">
   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews ExecCGI
   AllowOverride All
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all


The default apache configration is very restrictive. It do not allow to access directories without authentication. This is defined in the Directory section of httpd.conf:

   AllowOverride none
   Require all denied

Add a “require all granted” directive to your virtual directory section will grant the access.

Alias /virtualdirectory/ "D:/user/www/virtual/"
<Directory "D:/user/www/virtual/">
   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews ExecCGI
   AllowOverride All
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all
   Require all granted