Windows: Cumulative Update cannot be installed on Windows 10


let us assume you have installed Windows 10 1607 and you want to install the cumulative Update KB3189866 and the update fails:

c:\Temp > wusa %TEMP%\AMD64-all-windows10.0-kb3189866-x64.msu /quiet /norestart

Eventlog: EventID 3,
Windows update could not be installed because of error 2149842967 (Command line: “C:\Windows\system32\wusa.exe” “C:\Temp\AMD64-all-windows10.0-kb3189866-x64.msu”)

Aad when you start the update by double clicking the following message box appears:

Update not applicable
Update not applicable

Resolution: Windows 10 has two policies which prevents Windows from installing feature or critical updates for an given time range and provoke the Error “This update is not applicable to your comnputer”. Check if one of those policies are set:

Windows Update defer policy
Windows Update defer policy


One thought on “Windows: Cumulative Update cannot be installed on Windows 10”

  1. I’m running into this issue. A cumulative update (which I think now includes security patches) is considered a feature/quality update?

    Thank You

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