Windows: Startmenu does not open


an ofter error in Windows 10/11 is that the Startmenu does not open.

Windows10 Startmenu Error
Windows10 Startmenu Error

This could be a permission issue in the user profile or some appx packages are not registered correctly.

Try to reregister the appx apackages

PS D:\> Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}

try to fix permissions

D:\> takeown /F C:\Users\myLogin /R /A /SKIPSL
D:\> icacls C:\Users\myLogin /grant myComputerNameOrDomain\myLogin (CI)(OI)(F)
D:\> icacls C:\Users\myLogin\* /grant myComputerNameOrDomain\myLogin (CI)(OI)(F)


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