Windows: Sysprep error “Machine is in an invalid state or we couldn’t update the recorded state.”


when during the execution of sysprep the error message “A fatal error occured while trying to sysprep machine” is shown check the setupact.log and setuperr.log in “C:\windows\system32\sysprep\panther”.

Sysprep fatal error
Sysprep fatal error

This error can occure when the sysprep state of the machine is invalid. The state are saved in 2 registry keys

D:\> reg query HKLM\System\Setup\status\SysprepStatus

    GeneralizationState    REG_DWORD    0x7
    CleanupState           REG_DWORD    0x2

In an normal state these values are set as shown above. If not set it

D:\> reg add HKLM\System\Setup\status\SysprepStatus /v GeneralizationState /t REG_DWORD /d 7 /f
D:\> reg add HKLM\System\Setup\status\SysprepStatus /v CleanupState        /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f


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