powershell has some command lets to deal with with group policies. The command lets can be found in the GroupPolicy module.
Exporting a group policy can be done by Backup-GPO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | PS D:\> mkdir D:\GPOs PS D:\> Backup-GPO -Name Domain-Defender-Config -Path D:\GPOs DisplayName : Domain-Defender-Config GpoId : 6128de44-a812-9018-5342-aa2318888d71 Id : 178233e1-1111-54cf-b34e-f3c60cb959ba BackupDirectory : D:\GPOs CreationTime : 01.01.2020 04:00:55 DomainName : myDomain.org Comment : |
To import the backup of the group policy use Import-GPO. Backup ID is the folder name. The target GPO must already exists or, if you have the permissions, you can set the -CreateIfNeeded parameter.
1 2 3 4 5 | PS D:\> dir D:\GPOs Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- d----- 30.11.2021 21:51 {178233e1-1111-54cf-b34e-f3c60cb959ba} PS D:\> Import-GPO -BackupId '{178233e1-1111-54cf-b34e-f3c60cb959ba}' -Path D:\GPOs -TargetName My-Defender-Config |