tools for ripping audio cd’s like Audiograpper, RipperX, or Cdex can query the freedb database for getting Song and Album titles depend on a unique identifier.
Freedb end its service in 2020. So all requests to the freedb server returns an error.
The gnudb can handle such request. You simple have to set the proxy server to proxy.gnudb.org port 80. This redirects all queries to the gnudb servers and the gnudb servers will answer for your freedb requests.
Other programs should be adjustable in the same way.
Mate, the screenshot for CDex – settings seems wrong
Looks odd, but it works! Set yours the same, use your own email of course, click OK, the settings screen disappears, from main menu bar click “CDDB” and from drop-down choose “Read Remote freedb” and watch your loaded disc song list populate with song titles and album info! THANK YOU to the poster for showing that screen, I had been looking everywhere for a clear and concise explanation, and this was what was most needed! Thanks again!!!!!!