All posts by Michael Albert

Windows: Howto terminate a RDP Session remotely by command line


when a RDP sessions hangs there are multiple ways to destroy it. The command line way:

Identify the RDP Session ID. Use quser

C:\>quser /Server:YourWindowsServer
 winuser               rdp-tcp#6           2  Active          3  24.09.2014 22:26

Continue reading Windows: Howto terminate a RDP Session remotely by command line

Windows: Automatic Update does not install updates


a Customer calls me that his Windows Clients won’t install some Updates and the boxes does not submit their update states to the WSUS Server which runs at Windows Update Server 3 SP2.

At the clients I checked the Windows Update Logfile C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log and found many errors like these:

Continue reading Windows: Automatic Update does not install updates

Electronic: Replace a laser pickup of a Sony CD Player


a friend of mine has an very oldschool CD Player, a Sony CDP 770 from 1988. With the time, the laser and the lense has degraded and hearing music without any interruption isn’t possible anymore.

I decided to look for a new laser pickup and found a spare part for the original RSS-150A, I shot a new RSS-210A by ebay for about 20€. Let them give it a shot!

Here are the steps to replace the pickup. You only need 2 skrewdrivers. Open the chassis by loosing the 4 skrews in the cover, 2 at each site.
Continue reading Electronic: Replace a laser pickup of a Sony CD Player

Windows: Fatal error occurred while trying to sysprep the machine


if use some Image technologies to deploy your Windows installation and your new images are based on older ones sysprep or you have installed Internet Explorer 10, sysprep eventually can fail.

This occurs when sysprep /generalize is applied 9 times against an Windows installation. The counter is stored in the registry.
Continue reading Windows: Fatal error occurred while trying to sysprep the machine

Linux: List all available services at dbus


the following commands lists all services connected to dbus system and current session bus:
For the systen bus enter

michael@debdevt:~ $ dbus-send --system --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus --type=method_call --print-reply /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames

and for the current session
Continue reading Linux: List all available services at dbus