Category Archives: Scripting & programming

Somthing about Powershell, VB Script, C#, VB.NET

Powershell: Wrong exit code


you start a powershell script from cmd and want to return an exit not equal to 0 but %ERRORLEVEL% is set to 0.
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Powershell: En- and Decrypt string with AES256


if you have the requierment to encrypt strings in Powershell the .NET Framework offers some classes for this case. This is a symmetric encryption. Receiver and Sender uses the same Password/Key to en- and decrypt the message.
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Powershell: Function Pointer


Powershell provides also the ability to use function pointers such as C or C++.

Define your functions
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Windows: Cleanup files from WSUS which are no longer needed


the content of an WSUS Server crows every month for several GiBytes because WSUS does held all files which has the approval state “install”.
Continue reading Windows: Cleanup files from WSUS which are no longer needed

Powershell: Searching in arrays


this is a really often requiered task in powershell. Here are some examples.
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