Tag Archives: files

Windows: List remaining “pending moves” from an update


outstanding file movements can be shown with Sysinternals pendmoves.exe or via the registry key

PS D:\>  Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager" -Name PendingFileRenameOperations


Recovery: Recover files from SD Cards or dd image


linux has 3 tools for recovering files from a (damaged) SD Card or from an dd image taken by ddrescue. Usually all tools need an empty output directory.

Continue reading Recovery: Recover files from SD Cards or dd image

VMware: Unmount a datastore/volume from an ESXi Server at command line


these steps describe the steps to unmount an datastore from an ESXi host. If you tried it with the GUI and you got an error:

The resource ‘my_esxdatastore’ is in use. Cannot unmount volume ‘esxdatastore_F00’ because “One or more virtual machines are still registered on it”.
Continue reading VMware: Unmount a datastore/volume from an ESXi Server at command line

Windows: Adobe flash player files have an outdated version


since Windows 8/Server 2012 Microsoft delivers the Adobe Flash Player with it Operating System.
Continue reading Windows: Adobe flash player files have an outdated version

PDF: Merge multiple PDF Files


the Standard PDF Viewer Adobe Acrobat Reader has no edit function, therefore a merge of multiple pdf files is also not possible.
Continue reading PDF: Merge multiple PDF Files