Tag Archives: open

VMware: Unmount a datastore/volume from an ESXi Server at command line


these steps describe the steps to unmount an datastore from an ESXi host. If you tried it with the GUI and you got an error:

The resource ‘my_esxdatastore’ is in use. Cannot unmount volume ‘esxdatastore_F00’ because “One or more virtual machines are still registered on it”.
Continue reading VMware: Unmount a datastore/volume from an ESXi Server at command line

Powershell: Working with a SQLite Database


SQLite Databases are widly used, even Windows uses for the organisation of its Appx Packages a SQLite database. This database is located in the file C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\StateRepository-Machine.srd.

Continue reading Powershell: Working with a SQLite Database

Windows: Open Registry Editor regedit.exe at a given key


regedit.exe does not accept any command line parameters for opening a given key.
Continue reading Windows: Open Registry Editor regedit.exe at a given key

Windows: Open search index option GUI


search index GUI is not an exe file. The GUI resides in an DLL. To open it you have to call it by rundll32

Continue reading Windows: Open search index option GUI

Windows: Internet Explorer set open as default action for a file extension


the following steps describe how to  open a file with a specific file extension in Internet Explorer without showing the open/save dialog. In this example a the URL http://myintranethost.local/data/doc.pptm should open the PowerPoint Viewer without any interaction.

Continue reading Windows: Internet Explorer set open as default action for a file extension