Tag Archives: edit

Powershell: Some basics accessing the BCDstore by WIM


here are some starters for accessing the bcd store from powershell by using WMI.

Continue reading Powershell: Some basics accessing the BCDstore by WIM

Powershell: Working with a SQLite Database


SQLite Databases are widly used, even Windows uses for the organisation of its Appx Packages a SQLite database. This database is located in the file C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\StateRepository-Machine.srd.

Continue reading Powershell: Working with a SQLite Database

VMware vSphere: Script to update License Label


the vSphere GUIs, Win32 nor the Webclient based on Flash, does not provide the ability to change the label of a license key.

Continue reading VMware vSphere: Script to update License Label

Linux: HEX edit and diff in a shell


let us assume you want to edit a binary file /tmp/binfile and you want to replace all strings matches to “sda” by “hda”.

gnu sed can edit bin files by the \xnn hex notation. The option –in-place changes the original file and makes a backup copy with a file extension .org

michael@devdeb ~#  sed -e 's/\x73\x64\x61/\x68\x64\x61/g' /tmp/binfile --in-place=.org

Continue reading Linux: HEX edit and diff in a shell