Category Archives: Scripting & programming

Somthing about Powershell, VB Script, C#, VB.NET

XML: Selectnode XPath query independend from namespace


i got the following xml structure and want to select just the the “Data” node with the attribute “CommandLine” without defining a namespace object first.
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Powershell: Encrypt and decrypt strings with the host key


each Windows machine has it’s own host key. This can be used to encrypt data which are only decrypted by this computer.

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Powershell: UDP Client and Server


these UDP client and server and simply used for testing if a specific UDP port is open

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Powershell: Convert 18-digit LDAP/Win32 Epoch timestamp to DateTime object


LDAP use a 18 digit timestamp format. It’s an epoch timestamp.
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Windows: Get and decrypt password from rdp files


rdp files can store the password for a connection. The password is protected with the users key who saved the file.
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