like openssl s_client you can also use powershell to view/get the certificate of a webserver.
Continue reading Powershell: Get the certificate of a webserver
Somthing about Powershell, VB Script, C#, VB.NET
like openssl s_client you can also use powershell to view/get the certificate of a webserver.
Continue reading Powershell: Get the certificate of a webserver
the powershell command-let Invoke-WebRequest does not follow an http redirect.
The solution is to call Invoke-WebRequest recursivly with the redirect URL from the location header field when http code 301 or 308 is returned.
$sURL = "https://visualstudio.com/" $sRedirectTo=$null do { $oWebResponse = $null try { $oWebResponse = Invoke-WebRequest $sURL } catch { $oWebResponse=$_.Exception.Response write-host ("Exception: {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message) } if($oWebResponse.StatusCode -ne 200) { $aRedirectTo=$oWebResponse.Headers.GetValues("location") if($aRedirectTo.Count -ge 1) { $sRedirectTo=$aRedirectTo[0] } else { write-host ("No location URL in header") break } if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sRedirectTo)) { write-host ("Redirect to {0}" -f ($sRedirectTo)) $sURL = $sRedirectTo } else { write-host ("location URL Null") break } } else { Write-Output ("OK Location = {1} HttpCode = {0}" -f $oWebResponse.StatusCode,$sRedirectTo ) break } } while ($true)
the update process of Visual Studio uses the .NET class Webclient which takes not care about the proxy set by Internet Explorer or Edge.
Continue reading Visual Studio: Set proxy server for update
if you are working with special characters (i.e. German Umlaute) within a Textfile it is importent to know with which text encoding (UTF8, ASCII…) a file is saved.
Continue reading Windows: Determine Textencoding of a File
different language settings on your clients causes some administration issues when you are working with times (formats) or group names for example.
Continue reading Powershell: Change language/culture settings for the current session/window.