Tag Archives: password

OpenVPN: OpenVPN asks for a password


after migrating to a new client and installing the latest version of OpenVPN, OpenVPN asks for a password while trying to connect to the server.
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Windows: Get and decrypt password from rdp files


rdp files can store the password for a connection. The password is protected with the users key who saved the file.
Continue reading Windows: Get and decrypt password from rdp files

Linux: Add a user with a disabled password


these commands adds a user with a disabled password:
Continue reading Linux: Add a user with a disabled password

Linux: Disable password aging for a user


this command line disables the password aging for a specific user
Continue reading Linux: Disable password aging for a user

Windows: Get WLAN key(s)


when the Password for a wireless connections is stored in Windows it can be red from command line.
Continue reading Windows: Get WLAN key(s)