Category Archives: Virtualisation

All about virtualisation. VirtualBox, VMware Workstation, ESXi and vCenter, qemu

ESXi: Cannot start VM. Invalid MAC address specified. 12:34:6:78:90:12 is not an allowed static Ethernet address


VMware vSphere does only allow to set MAC Addresses from the Range 00:50:56:00:00:00 up to 00:50:56:3f:ff:ff. You can set a static MAC out of this range but cannot start the virtual machine. The typical error message is:

Invalid MAC address specified. 12:34:6:78:90:12 is not an allowed static Ethernet address. It conflicts with VMware reserved MACs.
Continue reading ESXi: Cannot start VM. Invalid MAC address specified. 12:34:6:78:90:12 is not an allowed static Ethernet address

VMware: Enable copy & paste in VMware Console for a VM


copy & paste is disabled by default in VMware vSphere.
Continue reading VMware: Enable copy & paste in VMware Console for a VM

VirtualBox: Boot from USB


Virtualbox allows to boot from USB. But this feature isn’t exposed to the GUI.

Lets start. First of all determine the physical disk. Open Powershell and query the disks by WMI

PS D:\> Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from Win32_DiskDrive"

Partitions : 3
Model      : Samsung SSD 850 PRO 512G
Size       : 512105932800
Caption    : Samsung SSD 850 PRO 512G

Partitions : 1
Model      : Generic USB CF Reader USB Device
Size       : 4030387200
Caption    : Generic USB CF Reader USB Device

Continue reading VirtualBox: Boot from USB

VMware vSphere: Cannot register a virtual machine in inventory: A virtual machine or template having the same name is already registered


a customer had the problem that a virtual machine is shown as invalid or orphaned. After removing from inventory (not from disk) he couldn’t register the vm again: “A virtual machine or template having the same name is already registered”

This could have multiple causes:
Continue reading VMware vSphere: Cannot register a virtual machine in inventory: A virtual machine or template having the same name is already registered

VMware: Generate an URL for a VM Console Session


with PowerCli it is simply possible to generate an direct Link to accessing a VM’s Console without clicking through the whole vSphere Tree.

The anatomy of the URL is
Continue reading VMware: Generate an URL for a VM Console Session