Category Archives: Windows

Windows tips, howtos, scripts

Windows: Resolve dependencies when an Application not starts


something you get or load a tool and it won’t start due to a missing Runtime or dll.

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rsync: Using rsync with puttyagent on Windows


the often called question: Can I run rsync on Windows by using the putty agent?

Answer: Yes, but there a some steps to setup such an environment.
Continue reading rsync: Using rsync with puttyagent on Windows

Windows: Enable (WSL) Windows Subsystem for Linux


these are the steps to enable WSL (2) on Windows 10 >= 2004.

Open Powershell with administrator permissions (right click) and install the features VirtualMachinePlatform and Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux.
Continue reading Windows: Enable (WSL) Windows Subsystem for Linux

Windows: Capture a network trace with builtin tools (netsh)


Windows Event tracing also supports the capturing of network traffic which can be reed by Wireshark, Microsoft Network Monitor or the Microsoft Message Analyzer.

Continue reading Windows: Capture a network trace with builtin tools (netsh)

Powershell: Change the title of the powershell window from a script


sometimes it would be nice to see the status of a script in the title of the powershell window.
Continue reading Powershell: Change the title of the powershell window from a script