Category Archives: Windows

Windows tips, howtos, scripts

Powershell: Import a module from a file


you just want to test a module and don’t want to install or copy it to the Powershell Modules directories? It’s possible 🙂

For example the SpeculationControl module to query the speculation control (Spectre/Meltdown vulnerability) settings of your system.
Continue reading Powershell: Import a module from a file

Windows: Manual upgrade to a new feature version


if you want to Update your Windows 10 installation to a new feature level, such as 1803, 1809… there are 3 possiblities.
Continue reading Windows: Manual upgrade to a new feature version

Windows: Export EventLog from command line


Windows has a builtin command line utility to deal with Eventlogs: wevtutil

Some examples.
Continue reading Windows: Export EventLog from command line

Windows: Extract image from wim


the install.wim file from newer Windows 10 Consumer DVDs is greater than 4GB and exceeds the maximum filesize of a fat32 formated USB Stick. Therefore the simplest way to created a bootable USB device is no longer possible.
Continue reading Windows: Extract image from wim

Windows SCCM: Software center could not be loaded


the SCCM Software Center presents an empty Software List and the error message:

Software center could not be loaded
Continue reading Windows SCCM: Software center could not be loaded