as a follow up of the 2 previous posts(compiling eibd and SysV startup script) here is a sample Upstart script for the eibd daemon. Some Ubuntu based distributions uses the upstart start mechanism.
Login as root at your machine where eibd is installed and add a user under which the eibd process should run.
useradd eibd -s /bin/false -U -M
Create the upstart conf file /etc/init/eibd.conf
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | ####################################################################### # eibd - startscript for the eibd daemon description "eibd daemon Upstart script" author "Michael Albert info@michlstechblog.info" start on (filesystem or resume) stop on (suspend or runlevel [!2345]) expect fork normal exit 0 pre-start script route add dev eth0 2>&1 > /dev/null || true end script script PATH= /usr/local/sbin : /usr/local/bin : /sbin : /bin : /usr/sbin : /usr/bin DAEMON= /usr/local/bin/eibd DAEMON_OPTS= "-d -D -T -R -S -i -u --eibaddr=1.1.128 ipt:" exec start-stop-daemon --start -c eibd -- exec $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS end script post-stop script route delete 2>&1 > /dev/null || true end script ####################################################################### |
Update your configuration
initctl reload-configuration
initctl status eibd
initctl start eibd
This script is rarly tested but should work. Any comments are welcome:-)
Note: When the eibd process do not start or you got the error message: initialisation of the eibd unix protocol failed. Check permissions on /tmp/eib. This could occur if the eibd daemon was at least one time started as root. When started as root eibd creates a socket /tmp/eib on which only root has the appropirate rights. Login as root and delete the socket. eibd create a new one at startup.
rm /tmp/eib
Hello, maybe not the right place to post but I set eibd on ubuntu and I am able to send message to my home KNX.
However I am not capable to understand message from vbusmonitor.
In particular I have a few thermocouples sending periodically room
temperature and I want to read temperature to control air conditioning.
other point is about blinds, can I send command to set blind to say 50% ?
thanks for any help.
Hi Fabio,
what you need is an human readable output from vbusmonitor? Have you also tried groupsocketlisten and vbusmonitor2?
I’m encountering issue to start the eibd daemon at the startup:
I use your script, it runs well if I run it using the command line: “sudo /etc/init.d/eibd start” BUT I always have to remove the eib socket before using “sudo rm /tmp/eib”.
It seems that this one is always created at each startup using “root” user.
So by reading your article I understand that eibd should have been started as root before my startup script… Do you think it is the case? How can I check it? or disable it?
Thanks for your help!