Windows: Set network parameters from command line by using WMIC.exe


you can use wmic.exe  to set some network parameters (and much more, its WMI!!) from command line. Syntax is very hard, but it works :-).

For Example. If you want to disable the DNS registration of all enabled Intel e1000 network adapters.

wmic path Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where (IPEnabled="true" and ServiceName="E1G60") call SetDynamicDNSRegistration False,False

The Filter in the braces is the where condition of wmi “select * from NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled=’true’ and ServiceName=’E1G60′ ” statement.  Modify this for your needs. By using WMI queries this is much more flexible than netsh command lines.


OpenVPN: Set a static IP Address for a client


sometimes you have to set a static IP Address for some VPN Clients. Because they provide some server services which always must be reached at the same IP Address.

The client configuration do not provide any option to do that, set a static IP Address on the adapter itself is also always being overwritten when the client establish a connection to the OpenVPN server.

Solution: Define a client specific script at the server.

In this example the openvpn server’s OS is linux (tap Interface IP, the client runs at Windows (static IP

Define a directory where the client scripts should be stored , e.g. /etc/openvpn/staticclients and create the directory

mkdir /etc/openvpn/staticclients

Add this directory as option to your openvpn configfile at the server:

client-config-dir /etc/openvpn/staticclients

For each client you have to create a file. The filename must match the “common name” attribute that was specified at the X509 certificate of the client.This command gets the CN from the computers certificate:

root@devdeb~ > openssl x509 -in /etc/openvpn/yourClientCertificate.cer -noout -subject | sed -e 's/.*CN=\(.*\)\/.*/\1/'


This example pushs the IP Address to the Client with the common name TESTCLIENT and also pushes a additional route for subnet

cat /etc/openvpn/staticclients/TESTCLIENT

push "route"
# push "dhcp-option WINS addr"
# push "dhcp-option DNS addr"


Reset the print protection of a pdf document


last week a customer had the problem that he lost a Word Document which he wants to print. Only a pdf of the document was available but in this file the print protection flag was set.

I used Ghostscript to reset the print protection.

Install Ghostscript and use this command line to write a new version of the pdf file which is printable

gswin.exe -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=d:\temp\OUTPUT.pdf -c .setpdfwrite -f D:\Temp\input.pdf


VMware: Limit the maximum number of snapshots


in vCenter there is no global configuration parameter to limit the number of snapshots for the virtual machines. The only way is to add a limit in the vmx config file or in vCenter configuration parameters of a single virtual machine.

To set a limit of snapshots which can be taken add

snapshot.maxSnapshots = "6"
or open the configuration parameters window in vCenter and set it there.

VMware: Mount a .vmdk virtual disk from command line


sometimes you want to modify some offline Vmware virtual disks from command line. For example to copy or edit config files or set some parameters in the Windows sysprep.xml file.

The VMware Workstation does not provide  a command line utility for this procedure. But there is a way to do this. Download and install the Virtual Disk Development Kit.

After installation a vmware-mount.exe command exists in the bin Folder of the installation directory.

To mount a disk readonly, choose a drive letter (X: in this example), start a cmd.exe as Administrator type the command like this:

first, change to the VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit Program folder

cd "C:\Program Files\VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit"

or append the program bin folder to PATH variable

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit\bin;

vmware-mount.exe X: d:\temp\VirtualDisk.vmdk

to mount the disk writable append /m:w at the end of the command:

vmware-mount.exe X: d:\temp\VirtualDisk.vmdk /m:w

Unmounting is quite simple:

vmware-mount.exe X: /d /f

Have fun


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