vCenter: Installing of a custom certificate failed


a customer had the problem that he couldn’t install a custom certificate, reset all ceritifcates etc. with the vCenter certificate manager /usr/lib/vmware-vmca/bin/certificate-manager.

He had canceled a previous attempt and from now on an error
Certificate Manager tool do not support vCenter HA systems
occured although he hasn’t enabled vCenter HA.

Continue reading vCenter: Installing of a custom certificate failed

ffmpeg: Copy/bridge a mp3 stream to an (internal) icecast server


a friend of mine has an internal icecast server and want to distribute an exiting internet stream to it.

Continue reading ffmpeg: Copy/bridge a mp3 stream to an (internal) icecast server

Windows: Disable Windows recovery environment to delete recovery partition


if you want to delete the recovery partition, for example due to expand the C: drive you have to disable the recovery environment first. Disable means the Menu entry from the Bootmenu is removed.
Continue reading Windows: Disable Windows recovery environment to delete recovery partition

VMware: Start a rescan for new/dead devices and volumes on ESXi from command line


the command for triggering a rescan for new or dead volumes, devices or pathes use
Continue reading VMware: Start a rescan for new/dead devices and volumes on ESXi from command line

VMware: Unmount a datastore/volume from an ESXi Server at command line


these steps describe the steps to unmount an datastore from an ESXi host. If you tried it with the GUI and you got an error:

The resource ‘my_esxdatastore’ is in use. Cannot unmount volume ‘esxdatastore_F00’ because “One or more virtual machines are still registered on it”.
Continue reading VMware: Unmount a datastore/volume from an ESXi Server at command line

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