Powershell: Convert 18-digit LDAP/Win32 Epoch timestamp to DateTime object


LDAP use a 18 digit timestamp format. It’s an epoch timestamp.
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Windows: Use Windows WSL openssh client with PuTTY agent


newer versions of the PuTTY-CAC agent can act as ssh agent for Windows WSL 1 ssh clients.

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Windows: Using Windows native open ssh client with PuTTY agent


newer versions of the PuTTY-CAC agent can act as ssh agent for the native Windows OpenSSH ssh client.

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Recovery: Recover files from SD Cards or dd image


linux has 3 tools for recovering files from a (damaged) SD Card or from an dd image taken by ddrescue. Usually all tools need an empty output directory.

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vSphere: Remove orphaned user from an sso group by command line


after migrating a vSphere vCenter instance from Windows to the VCSA appliance some (Windows local user which do no longer exists on linux) orphaned user are member of an SSO group.

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