Tag Archives: capture

Windows: Capture a network trace with builtin tools (netsh)


Windows Event tracing also supports the capturing of network traffic which can be reed by Wireshark, Microsoft Network Monitor or the Microsoft Message Analyzer.

Continue reading Windows: Capture a network trace with builtin tools (netsh)

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ESXi: Capture Network packets on a vSwitch port or on a VM’s NIC


ESXi offers some extented methods to capture network packets. Here are some examples.

First of all logon to your ESXi host by ssh.

To capture all traffic on a vmkernel interface use tcpdump-uw.
List all vmkernel interfaces

~ # esxcfg-vmknic -l
vmk0    .....   
vmk1    .....   

Continue reading ESXi: Capture Network packets on a vSwitch port or on a VM’s NIC