Tag Archives: cifs

Linux: Mount a Windows share with kerberos authentication


in some secure environments only kerberos authentication is allowed to connect to a Windows file share.

This example demonstrate the procedure on how to mount a share on a Debian 7 (Wheezy)  Linux. Other distributions should provide a simliar way.

First of all install the necessary pakets.

michael@debdev:~# apt-get install krb5-user krb5-config cifs-utils keyutils

After installing the packages the Kerberos configuration wizard starts.
Continue reading Linux: Mount a Windows share with kerberos authentication

Linux: Automount Windows or Samba shares


today I will explain how to easy it is to automatically mount a windows share on linux.

The following packages are necessary: autofs, cifs/samba client tools

In this example I use a debian linux system.

root@dev # apt-get install autofs cifs-utils

edit the auto.master file with your favorite editor:

root@dev # vi /etc/auto.master

add the following line

/media/cifs /etc/auto.cifs --ghost

  • /media/cifs – is the root directory where the mount points are created (this is not the mount point itself!), the directory must exist.
  • /etc/auto.cifs – the definition file of the mount points
  • --ghost This option will create the mount point permanently, even the share isn’t mounted (there are doubledashes before ghost:-))

Create a new file /etc/auto.cifs and add your share definition. In this example the Windows computer is mediaserver with the share multimedia$ (Note: you have to quote the $ character in auto.cifs file or you got  cifs_mount failed w/return code = -6). The share should be mounted as user michl which has UID 1000 and GID 1000. Insert the following line to /etc/auto.cifs:

root@dev # touch /etc/auto.cifs

root@dev # vi /etc/auto.cifs
Continue reading Linux: Automount Windows or Samba shares