Tag Archives: command line

Wireshark/tcpdump: Write trace to a ringbuffer file


sometimes it is necessary to only dump the network traffic before an event happend. For this cases wirkshark has the command line option for a ringbuffer.

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vSphere: Remove orphaned user from an sso group by command line


after migrating a vSphere vCenter instance from Windows to the VCSA appliance some (Windows local user which do no longer exists on linux) orphaned user are member of an SSO group.

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Windows: Unload/Disable a device driver from command line


like Linux rmmod Windows can also unload a device driver “online”.

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WinPE: Load an additional driver from command line


if you have bootet WinPE, for example WinBuilder, PEPakery, WIndows Recovery environment, Windows installation DVD … and want to load an additional driver from command line
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VMware: Start a rescan for new/dead devices and volumes on ESXi from command line


the command for triggering a rescan for new or dead volumes, devices or pathes use
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