Tag Archives: Windows PE

Windows: Inject Process Monitor in an existing Windows installation by Windows PE


for debugging purposes it’s sometimes necessary to enable the boot logging feature of sysinternals procmon.

Continue reading Windows: Inject Process Monitor in an existing Windows installation by Windows PE

WinPE: Load an additional driver from command line


if you have bootet WinPE, for example WinBuilder, PEPakery, WIndows Recovery environment, Windows installation DVD … and want to load an additional driver from command line
Continue reading WinPE: Load an additional driver from command line

Windows PE: Disable DPI autoscaling


if you start an application on Windows PE which is not “compatible” with the Windows Display autoscaling feature the applications forms is shown “deformed”. Fonts does not scale down and are shown bigger then the controls itself.

You can prevent Windows from doing this 🙂
Continue reading Windows PE: Disable DPI autoscaling

Windows: Create a Windows PE boot medium


I will describe here how to create a Windows PE based boot media, a USB Stick or a boot CD, with some customization:
Language settings

  • Language settings
  • Keyboard settings
  • Additional drivers
  • Autostart a program
  • Add Powershell
  • Add .NET Environment
  • Add WMI Support

Continue reading Windows: Create a Windows PE boot medium

Windows: Read Bitlocker encrypted drive in Windows PE


in WinPE it is possible to read bitlocker encrypted drives.

Check state
manage-bde -status c:

If the drive is only protected by a password use
manage-bde -unlock c: -pw
Continue reading Windows: Read Bitlocker encrypted drive in Windows PE