Tag Archives: debian

Debian & Ubuntu Linux: Install a package from backports


if you require a newer version of a package on a debian based system it may be possible that it is backportet from the latest testing line.

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Debian: Set python 3 as default


debian is still delivered with 2.7 as the default version of python. /usr/bin/python is in fact a symlink to the current default versions binary.

The update-alternatives scripts allows to change this.
Continue reading Debian: Set python 3 as default

Debian: Shutdown when pressing power button


when you install Debian with just the Standard minium System utilities a power off by pressing the power button is not possible.

Continue reading Debian: Shutdown when pressing power button

Debian: git error gnutls_handshake() failed: Public key signature verification has failed.


I’m on debian testing and cloning from a git repository fails with error: “gnutls_handshake() failed: Public key signature verification has failed” occured.
git is linked against the libcurl3-gnutls library. Newer versions have a bug when using git over a https proxy.
Continue reading Debian: git error gnutls_handshake() failed: Public key signature verification has failed.

Debian: Switch from stable(Jessie) to testing (Stretch)


steps to switch an Debian installation from stable to testing:
Continue reading Debian: Switch from stable(Jessie) to testing (Stretch)