Tag Archives: domain

Windows: Get, set or change the network access type or network category


to get and the network access type and the network category use the powershell commandlets Continue reading Windows: Get, set or change the network access type or network category

VMware vSphere: Join a vCenter VCSA Appliance to an Active directory domain by command line


the vCenter GUI offers the ability to add an identity provider like Microsoft AD. In some cases this won’t work. For example if you are not a domain admin and you have to specify in which organisation unit the computer object should created. The computerobject should not exists. Delete an already exiting object, it would be created during the join process!
Continue reading VMware vSphere: Join a vCenter VCSA Appliance to an Active directory domain by command line

ActiveDirectory: Determine the kms activation server by DNS


to determine the KMS, the server to activate Windows installations, you can query the DNS by nslookup.
Continue reading ActiveDirectory: Determine the kms activation server by DNS

Windows: Change a LAN Interface Networkprofile to private


when the network profile of a Windows PC is set to public, there are firewall restrictions enabled which could prevent accessing the Computer from network. For example Windows Remoting.

Unfortunately in some cases the profile cannot be switch by the Network Gui(s) of windows.
Continue reading Windows: Change a LAN Interface Networkprofile to private