Tag Archives: explorer

Windows: Check to which (Internet Explorer) Zone a file or path belongs to


there is no GUI available to show to which Internet Explorer Zone a file belongs.

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Windows: Explorer cannot access a mounted network drive when connect is established with administrator permissions


Windows has a security feature which prevents an User from accessing network drives mounted in a cmd.exe or powershell when they are started elevated.

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Office 365: Add Outlook shortout to explorer’s sendto context menu


to simply send files by using the Windows Explorer sendto context menu you have to create an Outlook shortcut in the shell:sendto folder.
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Windows 11: Enable the Explorer Ribbonbar


Windows 11 comes with a “face lift”. The Ribbon bar of the explorer, introduced in Windows Vista, was removed. But many User likes them because many functions like copy etc. can really fast accessed without opening a context menu.
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Windows: Explorer.exe Server execution failed


a customer had the problem that he couldn’t start the explorer. The explorer runs in an timeout and pops up an Errormessage: Server execution failed
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