Tag Archives: find

Git: Search in all versions of a file for a specific string


to search in all versions of a file for a specfic string:
First get a list of all commits, then grep each commit:
Continue reading Git: Search in all versions of a file for a specific string

Windows: Locate the CA in your Active Directory Infrastructure


there are two ways to determine the Certitification Authority in your Active Directory environment.
Continue reading Windows: Locate the CA in your Active Directory Infrastructure

VMware: Find VMs by IP Address


sometimes you want to find which IP Address belongs to a virtual machine. This can be easily done by powercli, provided that the VMware Tools are installed in each VM.
Continue reading VMware: Find VMs by IP Address

Windows: Find all Terminal/Remote Desktop Server Licenseserver


to determine which Server provides the Terminal License Server Role in your Active Directory Forest use the following powershell script.

Continue reading Windows: Find all Terminal/Remote Desktop Server Licenseserver

Linux: “find” command line examples


here are a few examples how powerful the UNIX find command is.

Search only for file in your home directory “~”
find ~ -type f
Possible parameters for time searches:

  • mmin = Modication time in minute
  • mtime = Modication time in days
  • cmin = Creation time in minute
  • ctime = Creation time in days
  • amin = Access time in minute
  • atime = Access time in days

Continue reading Linux: “find” command line examples