Tag Archives: openssh

Windows: Update builtin openssh to the latest version


when you have install openssh by

PS D:\> Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Client~~~~

then the installed version will never get updates.

Some older version (8.x.x) might have scp performance issues and therefore an update makes sence :-).
Continue reading Windows: Update builtin openssh to the latest version

Linux: Creating a ssh keypair with puttygen


use the following steps to create a ssh key pair with puttygen and import the public key on a linux hosts.

Start puttygen and generate an 4096 Bit RSA Key.

Generate an 4096Bit RSA Key
Generate an 4096Bit RSA Key

Set a strong password and save it (D:\temp\private.ppk in this example) at a secure location.
Continue reading Linux: Creating a ssh keypair with puttygen