Tag Archives: query

ActiveDirectory: Determine the kms activation server by DNS


to determine the KMS, the server to activate Windows installations, you can query the DNS by nslookup.
Continue reading ActiveDirectory: Determine the kms activation server by DNS

Powershell: Import a module from a file


you just want to test a module and don’t want to install or copy it to the Powershell Modules directories? It’s possible 🙂

For example the SpeculationControl module to query the speculation control (Spectre/Meltdown vulnerability) settings of your system.
Continue reading Powershell: Import a module from a file

Windows: Active directory from command line


this post contains command line example for querying the Active Directory using the ds* command family. The ds* commands are part of the Remote Administration Tools (RSAT)
Continue reading Windows: Active directory from command line

Windows: Query Active Directory Site information


short post today:-)

nltest is a builtin tool in Windows to query lots of AD information.
Continue reading Windows: Query Active Directory Site information