Tag Archives: redirect

bash: Redirect all STDIN to a file


to simply redirect all incoming input from STDIN to a file you can use less.
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Linux: Serial interface/terminal redirecting/forwarding over a TLS encrypted TCP/IP connection


the scenario: A device with a serial console for example a raspberry pi, orange pi, esp8266 with tasmota, digital multimeter etc. runs headless, but you want to able to connect to the serial console with linux system here called serialServer over the network.
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ESXi: Pass through an USB device to a VM


ESXi has an option to pass through an host attached USB device to a VM. VMware provides a list of supported USB Devices.
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VMWare ESXi: Redirect USB devices


VMware ESXi offers the ability to redirect USB devices from your Workstation to a VM located on a ESXi Server.

There 3 requirments:

  • VM must have at least virtual machine version 7
  • A virtual USB Controller must be add to the VM
  • VMWare Tools must installed within the virtual machine

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