Tag Archives: TLS

Mail: Connect TLS encrypted to a smtp server by telnet


the SMTP protocol is ASCII based. In the past, the SMTP protocol goes unencrypted over the wire means you can simply send emails by connecting to the SMTP port 25 and enter some SMTP commands via telnet:

michael@debdev ~ # telnet smtp.yourdomain.org 25
EHLO test.example.com
MAIL FROM:info@yourdomain.org
RCPT TO:receiver@receiversdomain.org
Subject: Testmessage
This is a test message. End with <ENTER><ENTER> and point


Continue reading Mail: Connect TLS encrypted to a smtp server by telnet

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Debian: Setup owncloud with TLS (LetsEncrypt) and protected by AppArmor


this Tuturial describes the steps to setup owncloud on top of debian/raspian with lighttpd as webserver and https encryption with certificates sign by Let’s encrypt campain.

Operating System

Install a minimal debian jessie system.

Login as root. On raspbian login as user pi change to root.
Continue reading Debian: Setup owncloud with TLS (LetsEncrypt) and protected by AppArmor

Virtualbox: Creating and controlling Virtual Maschines from command line


VirtualBox offers a very powerful command inferface: vboxmanage. With vboxmanage you can create new virtual machine, add and modify harddisk and much more. All the things you could do in the GUI, and a lot more are also possible at command line. In this post I will create, modify, control and delete a complete virtual machine.

At the bottom of the post the whole script can be downloaded.
I used a debian linux system for my tests. To install the latest VirtualBox version use the following commands:

echo "deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian wheezy contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
# Add Oracle Keyring
wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/oracle_vbox.asc -O- | apt-key add -
# Update repositories
apt-get update
# Install latest virtualbox version
apt-get -y install virtualbox-4.3
# Installing the Extentionpack for USB2 and RDP support
wget http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/4.3.6/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.3.6-91406.vbox-extpack
VBoxManage extpack install Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.3.6-91406.vbox-extpack

Continue reading Virtualbox: Creating and controlling Virtual Maschines from command line