Tag Archives: workstation

VMware Workstation: Downloaded ovf template does not boot: SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED


Error description: You have downloaded a virtual machine from a vSphere instance via ovf export and it won’t start due to:


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VMware Workstation: Generate a new selfsigned SSL/TLS certificate


the VMware Workstation does not provide a program or script to generate a new pair of key and selfsigned certificate.

If’ve written a batch file which builds a new one. The scripts assumes that the Workstation is installed in the default folder C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation and uses the openssl command delivered with the program.

Adjust the Countryname, State, etc. to your own needs. Config is based on the VMware Docs.

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VMware: Windows Event ID 27 on e1iexpress NIC Adapter


Issue: You have Windows Server 2012, 2012R2, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 running on ESXi or VMware Workstation and the network connection is interrupted frequently.
Also EventID 27 and 32 with source e1iexpress are often logged to the Windows EventLog.

Continue reading VMware: Windows Event ID 27 on e1iexpress NIC Adapter

VMware ESX, Workstation: Increase screen resolution on Windows Guests


to set a higher graphic resolution in Windows guest operating system do the following steps:

Decide which resolution should be available, in this example 1680×1050 and calculate Video RAM size (default Video RAM for Workstation 16777216, for ESX 4194304):
Continue reading VMware ESX, Workstation: Increase screen resolution on Windows Guests

Creating a virtual floppy disk image for Windows XP installation on VMware

For VMware Workstation or ESX Server and other virtualisation Software it is sometimes necassary to have a virtual floppy disk file.

For example if you want to install Windows XP in a VMware virtual environment and you want to use a SCSI Disk at the virtual LSI Controller.  Windows XP hasn’t any driver for this controller and therefore no harddisk ist found and the installation aborts. Solution is, creating a virtual floppy file, copy the driver to this and attach the file as virtual floppy to the virtual machine.

Note: In the vSphere GUIs you can only enlarge SCSI Disks online. For IDE Disks you have to do this at the ESXi host command line which is described here.

Best system for do this is linux, here for example debian. There are all tools which are needed, except two are missing, installed by default .  Check if the dostools and unzip are not installed or get them via

apt-get install dosfstools unzip

Creating a empty floppy image with an 1,44MB FAT 12 filesystem is very easy. Name the  file as you want. For VMware vSphere the extension .flp should be the better choice. Create the floppy by using the following command

mkfs.msdos -C /tmp/floppy.img 1440 -F 12

Floppy is now ready to take some files .
Continue reading Creating a virtual floppy disk image for Windows XP installation on VMware