VMware: Installing PowerCli


VMware does not longer provide Setups for installing PowerCli.

If you want to use the latest version of the PowerCli you have to install the modules from a NuGet Repository. This requires at least Version 5 of the powershell.

The following steps installs the latest Version

Install the latest NuGet Client

PS D:\> Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force

Looking for PowerCli Modules

PS D:\> Find-module *vmware*

Version    Name
-------    ----
10.0.0.... VMware.VimAutomation.Core
10.0.0.... VMware.VimAutomation.Sdk
10.0.0.... VMware.VimAutomation.Common
10.0.0.... VMware.VimAutomation.Cis.Core
10.0.0.... VMware.VimAutomation.Vds VMware.VimAutomation.HA
10.0.0.... VMware.VimAutomation.License
10.0.0.... VMware.VimAutomation.Srm VMware.ImageBuilder
10.0.0.... VMware.VimAutomation.vROps
10.0.0.... VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud
10.0.0.... VMware.PowerCLI

The Module VMware.PowerCLI is a “meta” module which installs all VMware Modules

PS D:\> Install-Module VMware.PowerCLI

To get a list of all installed modules

PS D:\>  Get-InstalledModule

and load the required modules

PS D:\> Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core
PS D:\> Connect-VIServer -?


    This cmdlet establishes a connection to a vCenter Server system.

Disable CEIP

Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope AllUsers -ParticipateInCEIP $false -Confirm:$false


2 thoughts on “VMware: Installing PowerCli”

  1. Got this running. First on a Windows 10 VDI. Then I tried to install it on a new server, VMware 2016 template we have. The template is based on the latest LTSB version 1607. In fact from our VL account it was the only version of Windows Server 2016 we could get for the first year it was out. Well after I could not get it running in gateway mode I read the doc”s, it requires the 1709 version of Windows Server 2016, which came out in November and IS NOT LTSB. So I downloaded that version and created a new VM and it is now running. Useful tool but we did not want non-LTSB versions of Windows Server in our environment. This lone server will be forced into useless feature updates. Typical version confusion from Microsoft that is only getting worse. I so wish there was a viable alternative to Windows Servers for the software we run on these things. It is slowly happening with stuff either being moved to the cloud on turned into appliances either physical or virtual, that run Linux.

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