Windows: Adobe flash player files have an outdated version


since Windows 8/Server 2012 Microsoft delivers the Adobe Flash Player with it Operating System.

A customer had the problem although all related Updates(12/2019 KB4516115) were installed, the files in C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash and C:\Windows\Syswow64\Macromed\Flash have an old version:

C:\>dir C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash
 Volume in drive C is SYSTEM
 Volume Serial Number is 434F-121A

 Directory of C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash

19.04.2017  16:13           163.434 activex.vch
19.04.2017  16:13        29.288.440 Flash.ocx
19.04.2017  16:13           703.480 FlashUtil_ActiveX.dll
19.04.2017  16:13           973.816 FlashUtil_ActiveX.exe
C:\>dir C:\Windows\Syswow64\Macromed\Flash
 Volume in drive C is SYSTEM
 Volume Serial Number is 434F-121A

 Directory of C:\Windows\Syswow64\Macromed\Flash

19.04.2017  16:13           766.982 activex.vch
19.04.2017  16:13        22.716.920 Flash.ocx
19.04.2017  16:13           620.024 FlashUtil_ActiveX.dll
19.04.2017  16:13         1.355.256 FlashUtil_ActiveX.exe

Check Update state

PS C:\> Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from win32_QuickFixEngineering"|?{$_.HotFixID -like "*4516115*"}

Source        Description      HotFixID      InstalledBy          InstalledOn
------        -----------      --------      -----------          -----------
MyComputer   Security Update  KB4516115     NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM  15.09.2019 00:00:00

After some investigating and comparing with other machines I found that there is a problem in the component store. amd64_adobe-flash-for-windows_31bf3856ad364e35_none_b4179b8118d18c9f points to a wrong version (May be someone tried to install the Flash Player by the setup provided by Adobe):

PS C:\> get-item HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\Winners\amd64_adobe-flash-for-windows_31bf3856ad364e35_none_b4179b8118d18c9f | ft -AutoSize
    Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\Winners
Name                                                                 Property
----                                                                 --------
amd64_adobe-flash-for-windows_31bf3856ad364e35_none_b4179b8118d18c9f (default) : 8.3

Correcting the default value on keys, both amd64_adobe-flash-for-windows_31bf3856ad364e35_none_b4179b8118d18c9f and wow64_adobe-flash-for-windows_31bf3856ad364e35_none_be6c45d34d324e9a, to Version 7.3 and deleting the 8.3 Key solves the issue

Flash Component SideBySide Error solved
Flash Component SideBySide Error solved

Component SideBySide solved

Uninstall and install KB4516115 and the files should have the correct version

C:\> wusa /uninstall /KB:4516115
C:\> wusa c:\temp\windows8.1-kb4516115-x64.msu
C:\> dir C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash

30.08.2019  00:45           163.546 activex.vch
30.08.2019  00:45        28.930.152 Flash.ocx
30.08.2019  00:45           724.584 FlashUtil_ActiveX.dll
30.08.2019  00:45         1.010.280 FlashUtil_ActiveX.exe


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