Windows: Network interface order


some Licensemanager uses the first MAC Address found in system as the HostID. You can use the getmac.exe command to show the list with all NICs.


Physical addresse   Transport Name
=================== ===================================================
5C-9A-D8-AE-DC-0D   \device\TCPIP_{c6a12685-4aed-49a8-b26b-dce59b81b911}
00-DE-94-17-CA-0F   \device\TCPIP_{9f963344-edae-4a42-a992-bb9bc05672bb}
00-CA-BE-17-CA-0F   \device\TCPIP_{ad634d51-ccee-43d5-bef6-ce5749b4cdfd}

In this example 5C-9A-D8-AE-DC-0D was used as the host id. Sometimes, after installing a additional LAN adapter or by removing one, these alignment is disordered and the licensemanager won’t start.

These order is indent by the subkeys of


Each Network Interface has its own subkey started by 0000. The lowest Keynumber is the first in the output of getmac. So order your NICs as you want by renaming the keys(4-digit numbers)


One thought on “Windows: Network interface order”

  1. This is not work probably because somewhere driver section refers to this records. How i did. First, in the device manager, remove all network devices. Next choose “Action / Add Legacy Hardware” and add Microsoft Loopback Adapter. Now you have always turned on network card going first as primary MAC-address source. Now simple click “Scan for hardware changes” button to restore all deleted devices.

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