Category Archives: Raspberry PI

Raspberry Pi: Script to (Cross) Compile a new Kernel


a my Project Owncloud on a Raspberry Pi I want to use AppArmor to protect the lighttpd webserver. Unfortunately the default kernel is complied without apparmor support.

So I decided to build my own kernel:-)

Continue reading Raspberry Pi: Script to (Cross) Compile a new Kernel

Linux: Configure a tiny DHCP Server


the best choice to setup a very tiny dhcp server on linux is the busybox udhcpd DHCP implemention.

root@debdev:~# apt-get install udhcpd

Continue reading Linux: Configure a tiny DHCP Server

Raspberry Pi: eibd with a KNX USB Interface


a reader of my post asks me if it possible to connect the eibd bus with a KNX USB Interface instead of the TPUART board.  These interfaces are available by several vendors(Siemens, Gira, Merten etc.).

I have no KNX USB Interface for testing and therefore Bastian Herzog did that part and supports me to improve the script. Very special thanks to him. Together we have get this started.

As descripted in the previous post setup your Raspberry Pi with raspbian:
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Raspberry PI: EIB/KNX IP Gateway and Router


this Post is a tutorial to build an IP EIB/KNX Gateway based on a Raspberry Pi completely from the scratch. The core components are the eib daemon from the bcusdk in conjunction with the TPUART EIB Bustranceiver module.

The Hardware

3 components are needed:

  • A Raspberry PI
  • A EIB Buscoupling Unit
  • Adapter Board to connecting both

You can use A or the B Model of Raspberry Pi. The eibd daemon has minimal hardware requirements.

There are two possibilities for connecting a computer to the EIB/KNX Bus over a RS232 serial interface. Both are supported by eibd.

  • Buscoupler 2 with FT12 protocol
  • TPUART module

Continue reading Raspberry PI: EIB/KNX IP Gateway and Router

Raspberry PI: Connecting a HD44780 Display over I2C Bus

Hi everybody,

some application, i.e. XBMC can show informations on a display by using LCDproc as driver.

This post describes a way to connect a HD44780 display to a Raspberry PI  by i2c bus.

Let’s start with the physical layer. This is the overview schematic on how to connect the display to a Raspberry PI.

Connecting a hd44780 Display with Raspberry PI
Connecting a hd44780 Display with Raspberry PI

Based on these I developed small board with a 6 Pin header which is Pin compatible to the Raspberry PI. So a simple 6 pole ribbon cable can be used to connect the HD44780 Display to the fruit.
Here is my PCB. First the schematic.

Board schematic
Board schematic

and my board layout. Unfortunately there are a lot HD44780 models available and the location and the direction of the pins are different, so you have to adapt the layout to the specification of your display.
Continue reading Raspberry PI: Connecting a HD44780 Display over I2C Bus