Category Archives: Homeautomation

Tasmota: Connect a lcdproc/LCDd compatible HD44780 i2c Display


I already owned a HD44780 I2C Display, which is compatible to LCDd/lcdproc, and want to get this running with Tasmota.

Problem: The LCD 2004 or LCD 1602 Display, for which the Tasmota LCD driver was written, uses a different wiring between the i2c expander (PCF8574) and the HD44780 Display.
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Tasmota: Build your own tasmota firmware


if you want to use Conditional Rules in tasmota you have to built your own firmware, because Conditional Rules are not included in the precomplied binaries.

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Sonoff TH10/16: Flashing Tasmota and setup temperature measurement

these steps describes how to install Tasmota on Sonoff Smart Home WIFI/WLAN relay.

First you need a the flash tool esptool. Simplest way is to install the python module. This is the same way on linux and windows
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Tasmota: Flashing and setup a Shelly 2.5


these steps describes how to install Tasmota on Shelly Smart Home WIFI/WLAN relay.

First you need a the flash tool esptool. Simplest way is to install the python module. This is the same way on linux and windows
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Homeautomation: Read values from a Luxtronic2 Heatpump to a MQTT broker


during automation of my home with OpenHab I had to include my Alpha Innotec Headpump because I want to display some values like temperature, errors…
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