Category Archives: Debian

Debian/Ubuntu: Install docker


short tutorial to install docker.
Continue reading Debian/Ubuntu: Install docker

Openhab: Install and run openhab from a docker image


this port describes how to quickly install an openhab instance from a docker image. In this example Openhab runs under user/group openhab and the network of the docker container is connected to the host interface.

Before starting checkout the install docker post to get the system ready for hosting openhab.
Continue reading Openhab: Install and run openhab from a docker image

Linux: Disable password aging for a user


this command line disables the password aging for a specific user
Continue reading Linux: Disable password aging for a user

Debian & Ubuntu Linux: Install a package from backports


if you require a newer version of a package on a debian based system it may be possible that it is backportet from the latest testing line.

Continue reading Debian & Ubuntu Linux: Install a package from backports

Libreelec: Compile latest Libreelec for Orange Pi PC


Libreelec for Allwinner CPUs is currently under development.

If you want to compile the latest version you have to compile it from source or use the precompiled images.

Ensure you have enough disk space (>= 20GB). These steps are necessary for a Orange Pi PC and you have to adopt it to your device.
Continue reading Libreelec: Compile latest Libreelec for Orange Pi PC