Category Archives: Linux

Stuff about Linux

Linux: Switch keyboard layout in (bash) shell


linux allows to change the keybaord layout “on the fly”.
Continue reading Linux: Switch keyboard layout in (bash) shell

rsyslog: Configure TLS/SSL


to setup a remote syslog server TLS encryption is strongly recommended.

Continue reading rsyslog: Configure TLS/SSL

Debian: Enable apt debug logging


for troubleshooting purposes (i.e. certificate issues) it is sometimes to enable the debug logging of apt.
Continue reading Debian: Enable apt debug logging

openssl: Verifiy failed with error 3 at 0 depth lookup: unable to get certificate CRL


openssl can verify certificates against the root CA/intermediate CA chain and also can check a crl list if a certificate is revoked.
Continue reading openssl: Verifiy failed with error 3 at 0 depth lookup: unable to get certificate CRL

Debian: Disable certificate crl check for apt


there is an issue in the openssl libraries < version 3 that an crl check of an certificate fails if the file size of the crl file is greater then 100kB.

Continue reading Debian: Disable certificate crl check for apt