wihtin the WebGui its not possible to read the serial number of a Fritzbox.
But its possible by opening the following URL in your favorite Browser
wihtin the WebGui its not possible to read the serial number of a Fritzbox.
But its possible by opening the following URL in your favorite Browser
the SMTP protocol is ASCII based. In the past, the SMTP protocol goes unencrypted over the wire means you can simply send emails by connecting to the SMTP port 25 and enter some SMTP commands via telnet:
michael@debdev ~ # telnet smtp.yourdomain.org 25 EHLO test.example.com MAIL FROM:info@yourdomain.org RCPT TO:receiver@receiversdomain.org DATA Subject: Testmessage <ENTER> <ENTER> This is a test message. End with <ENTER><ENTER> and point . QUIT
Continue reading Mail: Connect TLS encrypted to a smtp server by telnet
to show emoji,Pictographs or symbols in email subject line this line must be UTF8 encoded.
For example a heart. A heart has the Unicode Heart Unicode UTF8(Hex) Code 0xE2 0x99 0xA5.
Continue reading Mail: Generator for mail subject line with Emoji, Pictographs and Symbols
sometimes the Hikvision firmware of some IP Cameras comes up with the chinese language. Also its impossible to select another language because they are removed from the DropDown Box.
Continue reading Hikvision: Webfrontend in chinese language
due to some API changes at youtube the Kodi Youtube Plugins up to Version 5.1.17 from bromix does not work anymore: