Category Archives: Powershell

VMware: Generate an URL for a VM Console Session


with PowerCli it is simply possible to generate an direct Link to accessing a VM’s Console without clicking through the whole vSphere Tree.

The anatomy of the URL is
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Powershell: Determine the image type (x64/x86) of an exe file


based on this stackoverflow post I’ve written a powershell function to determine the image type of an Windows executable. The Powershells System.IO.FileSystemInfo type does not provide such an info.
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VMware: Set NTP Server of all ESXi Host conntected to vCenter


attached to this post a PowerCli script to change NTP Server on all ESXi Servers connected to vCenter.
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Powershell: md5sum and sha256sum Functions


verifing of a file is often done by builting an MD5 or an sha256 hash over it.

Powershell has no “builtin” functions for this purposes.

So I wrote some 🙂
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Windows 10: Powershell Script to protect your privacy


this Powershell script is a try to protect your privacy in Windows 10.
Update 17.08.2016: Lot of adjustment to Windows 10 1607. Added more documentation
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