the internet explorers security zones affects more windows components then the internet explorer itself. For example the Windows File Explorer or the Windows Powershell.
Continue reading Windows: Add an IP Address to the local intranet zone
Windows tips, howtos, scripts
the internet explorers security zones affects more windows components then the internet explorer itself. For example the Windows File Explorer or the Windows Powershell.
Continue reading Windows: Add an IP Address to the local intranet zone
here is a short explantation about the Powershell execution policies.
Continue reading Powershell: Execution policy shortly explained
the powershell gallery offers a lot of modules for online installation. It’s also possible to download a nupkg file of that module and install it offline.
Continue reading Powershell: Install a nupkg module offline
the best way to store a certificate in a powershell script is in an byte array. But how to get such a byte array as string from an existing certificate?
Continue reading Powershell: Define a x509 certificate in a script
powershell can set,edit or delete environment variables as well as cmd.exe command line interpreter.
Continue reading Windows: Set or edit environment variable from powershell