Category Archives: Windows

Windows tips, howtos, scripts

Windows: Certificate locations


the Windows certificates MMC plugin allows to view and edit the most (expect the enterprise store) of the certificates Windows uses. But the location of the certificates is not really transparent.

Here is a list where those certificates resides physically.
Continue reading Windows: Certificate locations

VMware: Installing PowerCli from zip


if you have an system which is not connected to the internet you cannot install PowerCli online .

Continue reading VMware: Installing PowerCli from zip

Windows 10: Solve start issues


when you transfer your Windows 10 Installation to another PC or disk and you get an error
Continue reading Windows 10: Solve start issues

Windows: IIS is disabled but Windows still listen at Port 80/443


a customer had the problem that he disables the IIS service (w3svc) but Windows still listens at port 443.

D:\> sc query w3svc
        TYPE               : 20  WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS
        STATE              : 1  STOPPED
D:\> netstat -an|findstr /i 443
  TCP                LISTENING

Continue reading Windows: IIS is disabled but Windows still listen at Port 80/443

Windows: Bring an Application/Program back to the main screen


when you run your Laptop/Notebook in different environments, with one Screen or two screens or more then 2 screens, it sometimes happens that an application is openend on a screen which is currently not connected and therefore the application is not visible at the desktop, just in the taskbar.

Continue reading Windows: Bring an Application/Program back to the main screen