Category Archives: Windows

Windows tips, howtos, scripts

Windows: Get WLAN key(s)


when the Password for a wireless connections is stored in Windows it can be red from command line.
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Windows: Get a list of Remote Desktop Logons


if you want to know who and from which station a user logs on via remote desktop you can use the following powershell commands.
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Windows: Set Machine certificate as Remote Desktop Certificate


if a Windows computer is member of a domain and the certificate autoenrollment is in place then you can use the machine certificate provided by the active directory as the RDP TLS certificate.
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Windows: Error “2221 the username could not be found” occurs when connecting to a network drive


let us assume we have an Network Share on Server Server has IP Address

accessing a share via IP Address works
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Windows: Store credentials to access a share


the credialstore offers the ability to store credientials to access some resources without entering the password every time when the resource is used.
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