Category Archives: Windows

Windows tips, howtos, scripts

Powershell: Enable secure Windows/Powershell Remoting over https


these are the steps to enable Windows Powershell remoting secured by TLS

Check your Network connection profile. Set-WSManQuickConfig expects that the Network profile is at least private or domain.

Continue reading Powershell: Enable secure Windows/Powershell Remoting over https

Powershell: Transfer Modules to an offline PC


in these days powershell modules are often installed from a (NuGet) Repository and not by a Setup program.

In companies may exists computers which does not have an active internet connection.

But how to install the modules on these devices?
Continue reading Powershell: Transfer Modules to an offline PC

Windows: Extract files from a Windows MSU Update File


Windows builtin utility for extracting cab or msu files is expand
Continue reading Windows: Extract files from a Windows MSU Update File

Windows: Execute a Script at shutdown


like system startup it is not possible to execute a script at system shutdown with the task scheduler. It must be configured with a group policy. You can choose the GUI way are set it by script:

Let us assume the Script is C:\scripts\shutdownEv.cmd.
Continue reading Windows: Execute a Script at shutdown

Excel: Does not start within a schedule task


if you have already created a script and within you do some things with Excel by DCOM Excel.Application the script runs well as a user logged to the Desktop but not within a schedule task started by the same user.

Continue reading Excel: Does not start within a schedule task