Category Archives: Windows

Windows tips, howtos, scripts

Windows: Find all Terminal/Remote Desktop Server Licenseserver


to determine which Server provides the Terminal License Server Role in your Active Directory Forest use the following powershell script.

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Windows: Copy and backup open files with a batchfile


sometimes you want to copy files which are exclusively locked by other processes.
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Windows: Recording Audio from the Audio loopback device


for learning C# I have created a sample project. I choose the NAudio library to play around with sound interfaces in Windows. Starting from this point the C# project grows :-).
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Windows: Identify a WPBT binary in the ACPI Table of BIOS/UEFI


to identify a Windows executable in the ACPI Windows Platform Binary Table entry of a BIOS or UEFI fimware start a live linux distribution from a CD, DVD or USB Stick.

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Windows: Internet Explorer set open as default action for a file extension


the following steps describe how to  open a file with a specific file extension in Internet Explorer without showing the open/save dialog. In this example a the URL http://myintranethost.local/data/doc.pptm should open the PowerPoint Viewer without any interaction.

Continue reading Windows: Internet Explorer set open as default action for a file extension